Content for the Adult level Thinker

Ooops, were you looking for porn? Well, sorry-not that kind of site.
But, if you enjoy expanding your mind with enlightening ideas, beautiful art and a host of Twisted topics...your in the right place.

Big thinking-Big words-Big Love-Big living.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Qandeel Baloch

Although I rarely keep abreast of current events (as I know that there is nothing new under the sun), I just happened to see this as I logged on today and I felt the need to speak out because I know the pain of being expected to win, while being robbed of the recourses to do so. I personally know the heartache of being held-back, pinned down and reigned in, while male counterparts are encouraged to forge ahead.  

Since my youth, I've lived with the double-standard of being criticized for attempting to master the same feats that males are haled for. Being called a tomboy, ball-buster & dyke are nothing compared to the uphill struggle of having men take credit for my work, get paid more for doing less work and go out of their way to discredit me at every turn. 

I sought to find out what pictures this young woman posted that caused her brother to take her life. I found none. What I did find was that we still live in a world that rewards the son for being male, while punishing the daughter for being born with a vagina. The son's penis is worth more than the daughter's brains, talents, innovative ideas and courage. This idiot didn't kill his sister for honor - he was jealous of her wit & personality. He could  not handle the fact that she was actually "the favorite son" making more money. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Hello my friend. I take it that you, like most of us, are going through something. I’m here today to share a bit about adversity: you know, those challenges that seem to turn us every which way but loose…

We hate to see it coming, but come it must, if we are to evolve as people. There is much to be learned and gained by adversity. Just look at a baby learning to walk; it’s the falling down that teaches the babe to balance and hold on to support. Likewise, we find our truest strength in adverse situations: overcoming and persevering teaches us to trust ourselves and the wise counsel of others. We experience growth from pushing through the pain and we gain stability and greater self-reliance.

Most of us love to shine. We brush and polish our hair, teeth and skin into a state of radiance. But when it comes to our souls, we resist the abrasion, the heat, friction and pressure that fashion us into better human beings, enabling us to shine brightly for Christ.

Monday, May 2, 2016


To Pimp: verb 
Use, Manipulate, Enslave, Take Advantage, Exploit, Pander

Pimps: noun
Systematic or Institutionalized Oppression

Imagine a beautiful mad-scientist, hell-bent on conquering the world but there's one hiccup, he has to get past God. So what would any cowardly villain do when attacking the head of the household is off limits; they go for the kids. After all, destroy the youth and there's no hope for the culture/civilization.

That's the way all pimps work. They poison the minds of the precious youth that parents have sacrificed for, robbing them of their hope for the future.

Mind you, real pimps are not the colorful clowns portrayed by the entertainment industry; They are the corrupt courts, indifferent educators, greed-driven leaders and criminal-masterminds who pass themselves off as politicians and business-people.

Pimps are anyone who would profit from the misery of another. Megalomaniacs and sociopaths who lack any forms of human empathy. Thus they are not only capable of atrocities to fellow human-kind, but feel justified in doing so.

This was the case with the first pimp, Satan, and remains so today as more and more people feel entitled to misuse and abuse others, whether for profit or licentious pursuits.

What better way to punish the creator than to degrade His Children?

The world is full of shrewd, crafty and ingenious people who wouldn't (Knowingly) profit from the degradation of another human being (or animals), but Satan has a way of making the profane seem normal while depicting honorable endeavors as odd and out of sorts with reality.

This Blog is entitled "Pimpology" to express my desire to share truths and wisdom as I seek enlightenment along my journey through life.

I have been Blessed to see and experience much and I know Jehovah as kept me for His good purpose. I am compelled to explore the hidden and share the light which has been so graciously shined upon the shadows of my life.

Pimplogy is not meant to shock or offend. It is merely a rallying cry to wake up and look around, for Satan is on the loose to kill, steal and destroy. Uncovering his tactics may help someone avoid his various pitfalls and traps, which he has laid throughout the world.

Saturday, April 23, 2016


In one hand and out the other…

From check to check…

Working to stay broke…

Working Poor…

Living without savings and a “Rainy Day Fund” is often the result of a Consumer Mindset. It’s a set-up to get soaked when the rains come – and they will come to us all.

We’ve all become more aware of this cultural phenomenon since the Great Housing Meltdown. Working to stay broke has become common-place in our society because we are accustomed to instant gratification and constant advertisement bombarding us with all the magical things that would make us happy, if we only had them NOW.  

My mother said: “It’s not how much you make, it’s how much of it you keep.”

Dad said: “Don’t let all your money slip through your fingers like water, learn to stop a dollar.” He often spoke of my grandmother, who could squeeze a dollar so tight that the eagle would scream.

Living through the Great Depression taught an entire generation the principals of Frugality. Now my generation is revisiting those same principals with the recent shift to downsized lifesyles and Tiny Houses.

Many are reviving the Family Farm, and re-learning the fine art of feeding themselves.

This isn’t to say that consumerism is dead; not by a long shot.  But many of us have seen, first hand, how easily wealth and the stature it brings, can be stripped away in the face of sudden economic down-turn. Those of us who had all our eggs in one proverbial basket; whether it was a career, home equity, a meager savings account or an unreliable backup plan, felt the sting the hardest when that which we valued, lost its value.

Children crowd our nation’s classrooms all through their youth, only to enter the real world under-educated and ill-prepared for the actuality of daily life. While memorizing irrelevant facts and dealing with peer-pressure is time consuming and energy draining, learning the basics of Self Preservation, Creative Problem Solving and Critical Thinking have been done away by persons who neither have or know any REAL CHILDREN. If they did know some children, they would know that our country is quickly going to hell in a handbag, because our youth are not learning the critical skills of Survival and Progress.

Before I go further, please let me state that I am neither pointing the Blame-Finger, nor am I criticizing any parties or persons. I’m simply stating the obvious. We must do better at preparing our youth for prosperity, if we are to experience a future of growth as a Nation.

Teaching youngsters the true use of money (A Tool To Get Things Done) will not inhibit economic growth, nor will it curb spending. In fact, future generations will spend more because they will have more to spend. They will save and earn interest, invest and create growth. They will suffer less stress related illness, and their creativeness will flow, bringing new technologies and fruitful endeavors.

Of course, many Pay Day Loan offices will close their doors, but they will be replaced by new businesses that bring even more value into their communities.

That’s all I’m saying…SMILE!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Each of us have felt the sting (That JOLT to the very core of your being) that causes one to rethink all we previously took for-granted as FACT. For me, this happened in rapid succession, from 2007 to 2012; and like most Americans, I didn’t feel the economic burn until financial irritations became gaping wounds in my wallet.

Along with Identity Theft, Major Surgery, An Auto Wreck and World Wide Economic Downturn, there was also my deadly (Unrealistic) mind-set that kept me trudging along, hoping things would somehow change for the better. I didn’t realize that the only true change was needed in my thinking and course of action.

You see, there’s and old saying:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  Albert Einstein

That was me. I was behaving insanely, like millions of others, and didn’t know it. Because what I’d been doing had worked so well in the past, I wasn’t diligently seeking a new way. Trying to maintain became spinning my wheels. Spinning my wheels turned into drowning in debt. Debt evolved into a toxic entity that took on a life of it’s own and started eroding all I’d worked for, whipping out my accomplishments and sources of joy.

Debt, with it’s insidious attributes, ate away my confidence, savings, relationships and my health. The stress was overwhelming. Not just the collection calls and endless letters, but the way people treated me (Total lack of respect) not to mention the constant effort to merely survive.

When more money is going out than coming in the break-point is inevitable and looming very near. So it was for me during those years of continuous economic decline. Simple things like food, utilities and cleaning supplies became scarce. And as Pride goeth before the fall, I kept my situation private, refusing to ask for help.

Mind you; I knew there were many facing the same dilemma, so I didn’t feel singled out. But my concern was with the woman reflected in the mirror. The woman I saw wasn’t the smart chick I’d grown to know, but some half-wit, trying to shore up a dam with a wad of gum. I couldn’t believe it had all come to this.

Over and over, I heard my Dad’s voice: “You can be too good for your own good.” When he was alive and spoke these word, I didn’t understand the meaning. I thought he meant that I shouldn’t be so charitable. But that wasn’t what he was talking about at all.

Dad was saying read the fine print twice and never make a deal on a handshake. He was instructing me to be more prudent in business, judgmental in finances and to understand that every offer is made for the benefit of the one making the offer – not the receiver. Dad wasn’t telling me “Not to be nice”, he was simply saying, “Don’t take any wooden nickels!”

 And in a world where there is a scam around every corner, that’s really sound advice.

Dad would often say: “Hope for the best…Plan for the worst.”

This too was advice I’d failed to take heed of. I didn’t foresee the worst until it was nearly too late. I was on the brink of filing bankruptcy before the true culprit was revealed. Only after learning that most of my financial issues weren’t lack of income (I was making good money) but my credit score was damaged by persons using my personal information to no good end. I’d had no idea the amount of falsified debt that was looming against me and how this was effecting my ability to gain the working capital I desperately needed to grow my business at the most critical growth point. Everywhere I turned, there were doors closed in my face and I had no concept of the real reason why.

As the DIVINE order of God’s Mercy prevailed, I met a man who was a credit counselor, through a mutual friend. I took his class and learned to read and monitor my Credit Report.

This marked the beginning of a new era for me and my business. It was a long road to financial recovery because the damage was so widespread. But the journey has been a Blessing, indeed. Not only have all my genuine accounts been verified, the discrepancies cleared, and my good name restored; my credit is now in good standing and my score has risen substantially.

It was a tremendous blow to learn that I’d been victimized, but the lessons and restoration that resulted is nothing short of a miraculous gift from God above.

And to quote my Dad…

“I’m living bout like I wanna.”