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Saturday, April 23, 2016


In one hand and out the other…

From check to check…

Working to stay broke…

Working Poor…

Living without savings and a “Rainy Day Fund” is often the result of a Consumer Mindset. It’s a set-up to get soaked when the rains come – and they will come to us all.

We’ve all become more aware of this cultural phenomenon since the Great Housing Meltdown. Working to stay broke has become common-place in our society because we are accustomed to instant gratification and constant advertisement bombarding us with all the magical things that would make us happy, if we only had them NOW.  

My mother said: “It’s not how much you make, it’s how much of it you keep.”

Dad said: “Don’t let all your money slip through your fingers like water, learn to stop a dollar.” He often spoke of my grandmother, who could squeeze a dollar so tight that the eagle would scream.

Living through the Great Depression taught an entire generation the principals of Frugality. Now my generation is revisiting those same principals with the recent shift to downsized lifesyles and Tiny Houses.

Many are reviving the Family Farm, and re-learning the fine art of feeding themselves.

This isn’t to say that consumerism is dead; not by a long shot.  But many of us have seen, first hand, how easily wealth and the stature it brings, can be stripped away in the face of sudden economic down-turn. Those of us who had all our eggs in one proverbial basket; whether it was a career, home equity, a meager savings account or an unreliable backup plan, felt the sting the hardest when that which we valued, lost its value.

Children crowd our nation’s classrooms all through their youth, only to enter the real world under-educated and ill-prepared for the actuality of daily life. While memorizing irrelevant facts and dealing with peer-pressure is time consuming and energy draining, learning the basics of Self Preservation, Creative Problem Solving and Critical Thinking have been done away by persons who neither have or know any REAL CHILDREN. If they did know some children, they would know that our country is quickly going to hell in a handbag, because our youth are not learning the critical skills of Survival and Progress.

Before I go further, please let me state that I am neither pointing the Blame-Finger, nor am I criticizing any parties or persons. I’m simply stating the obvious. We must do better at preparing our youth for prosperity, if we are to experience a future of growth as a Nation.

Teaching youngsters the true use of money (A Tool To Get Things Done) will not inhibit economic growth, nor will it curb spending. In fact, future generations will spend more because they will have more to spend. They will save and earn interest, invest and create growth. They will suffer less stress related illness, and their creativeness will flow, bringing new technologies and fruitful endeavors.

Of course, many Pay Day Loan offices will close their doors, but they will be replaced by new businesses that bring even more value into their communities.

That’s all I’m saying…SMILE!!!

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 05, 2016

    It is sad that payday loans are the future slavers of Americans.(POOR) We look at them as an answer to our financial burdens and they soon become the financial burden. You always need a little more help to make it thru the week or the week or month. Not realizing that with a slight change of spending habits the money spent can become the money saved.
