Say the word HERO and most brains form images of Caped Crusaders, Crime Fighters, Super-Powered Beings and Civil Servants. And though Teachers, Soldiers, Civil-Servants and countless others do save and changes lives, the World is filled with Unsung Heroes & Heroines who pour out themselves to those around them, daily.
Moms & Dads top the list as such and are seen as Heroes to the children that honor them, often later in life, after becoming Parents themselves and fully grasping the true depth of sacrifice their own parents made to ensure them the best quality of life possible.
Today I pay Tribute to My Aunt Ruth, who has been a Genuine Heroine to Generations: and though I’ve been Blessed by Many Beautiful Women in my Family & throughout Life, especially after My Mother passed on from this mortal realm, it was My Aunt Ruth that chatted with me daily, before she fell ill, Always offering encouragement, wisdom and insight.
There’s not a female child born into Big Mama Ruth’s family (however extended or removed) that has not donned one of her Authentic Crochet Masterpieces: mittens, hats, scarves, ponchos, vests, afghans, skirts & skirt sets. She believes in dressing well & bade us all, likewise.
Aunt Ruth’s Community, Church and the Many Civic Organizations, to which she belonged (Lifetime-Easter Star) have been Blessed by her loving dedication to improvement, literacy and beautification.
She never went anywhere without touching hearts and lifting lives. Aunt Ruth’s motto “ Do & Be Your Best,” has helped many to reach higher and achieve more.
Born in Mississippi, she has traveled the entire globe many times. She’s volunteered to feed the hungry and clothed the less fortunate. GIVING is her mission.
From all who have been touched and loved by You, Aunt Ruth…Thank You, Madam Hero.